
Pop-punk meets alternative rock sound on Love Ghost new single “Jealousy”

“Jealousy” is an alternative, grunge rock song. From songwriter Finnegan Bell: “I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve, and being this passionate can hurt at times. I can be a people pleaser for people that don’t care as much about me, and I’m trying to get out of that unhealthy habit. I had recently been betrayed and a lot of old insecurities and PTSD was brought up because of that. I wrote the song “Jealousy” to one, just cope with what I was going through but also allow people to feel like they weren’t alone with what they’re going through. A lot of people have experienced similar things to what I went through like loneliness, rejection and being lied too. I hope this song acts as a mental bandage for them in some way.”

Watch the video:


“Jealousy” follows a string of single releases for Love Ghost praised by Rolling Stone, American Songwriter, FLAUNT, Alternative Press, and others. Love Ghost has recently toured Europe, where they played Rockpalast in Germany. In August they toured Mexico City playing shows at both Auditorio BB and Amazon’s Gamergy Festival which was broadcast to all of Latin America.

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